Spicy Squid

Wow, I'm glad I captured this dish in its best.
We had this delicious spicy squid for lunch served with warm coconut milk rice. 

3 tbs of cooking oil
3 large onion- sliceed not to fine
1 lemon grass - slice fine
5 pips garlic - bruised and chopped

2 in shrimp paste (belacan)
1/2 cup of chili paste
2 tbs of brown sugar

500 g of cleaned  and sliced squids
salt to taste 

4 red onion, sliced and sauted till soft - set aside

Fire the wok to medium heat and pour the oil. 
Saute A until the onions are soft and brown, cook about 5 minutes.
Add B and mix continuously to avoid the paste from sticking to the base of the wok. Slow the heat if necessary and stir for about 5 minutes.

Now add the squid and continue stirring, over-cooked squid can be rubbery so do take care of the timing.
Add salt to taste  and the cooked onion. Give it a good mix and you're done.
Serve warm with steamed rice.



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