Milo Brownies

Ever tried baking brownie with Milo...then you're in for a  surprise. 

150g dark chocolate- cut into chunks
150g butter
150g sugar
2 eggs -beaten
75g Milo

125g flour – sieve all the below ingredients 
Pinch of salt
½ tsp baking powder
3 tsp coco powder

In a double boil (very low heat) melt down the chopped chocolate and butter, stirring it until both are thoroughly melted and mixed.

With a rubber ladle in hand stirring constantly, add the sugar and stir. Then the beaten eggs on at a time – stir. Add the flour mixture and give it a good mix and finally the Milo.
Pour batter into the pan and bake for about 30 min. When you insert the skewer to check the doneness of the cake, it should stick to it.

Sprinkle more Milo over the cake and let it cool for about 10 min before you remove it from the pan to cool it thoroughly.

Cut into squares ( it might help if you refrigerate it before cutting, for a cleaner cut)


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