
Something to nibble while reading. 

250g bread flour
2 tsp instant yeast
1 1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
150ml cold water
35g shortening

In your mixer, with dough hook attachment, add the above ingredients, except the shortening in the mixing bowl. Let mixer knead the dough roughly before adding the shortening. 
Continue mixing until the dough forms into a smooth and elastic dough, that would probably about 10 minutes.
Place the dough in a well oiled bowl and cover it with a kitchen cloth to prove for about an hour.
Knead the risen dough down and let it sit for another 15minutes.
Roll the dough into a rectangular shape and cut the dough into strips - 1cmx12cm.

Moist your palm with some oil and roll it about 18cm long. Roll the strip in sesame seeds and place it in a baking sheet.
You may also sprinkle some sea salt if you wish.
Let it sit for 15 minutes before baking it in a preheated oven at 220 deg cel for about 15 min.

Allow it to cool, then bake it again at 120 deg cel for another 15 min to make them dry and crispy.
Let it cool before serving.

from the world of bread -alex goh


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