Savory buns

Seems like I've been neglecting my first love...
Baked these scrumptios savory buns today...perfect with the chilly rainly day and a cuppa hot tea.

480g bread flour
120g plain flour
110g sugar
10g salt
20g milk powder
2 tsp instant yeast

1 egg
300ml water

60g butter

In a cake mixer, with a hook attachment, mix all the ingredients in A.
Add B and knead it to form a dough, roughly about 2 minutes. 

Now add C and continue kneading till the dough is smooth and elastic. I normally would handknead the dough at this stage for a good 5 minutes.

Oil a big bowl and place the dough, covering with a tea towel. Let it prove for about an hour.
Punch the dough down gently and divide dough into 80g portion and roll into a balls and let it rest for 10 min.

Since I'm making an assortment of savory buns, I used prepared tuna, spicy sardine,  and spicy anchovies. 

Flatten a dough ball and put about 1tbs of your choice of filling and seal the seams tighly and place it in a baking tray.

Let the buns sit for another hour. Preheat oven to 200 deg cel. 
Eggwash the buns and sprinkle some sesame seed just before you place them in the oven.

Bake for 20 min until buns are golden color. 
Remove and set aside to cool. 

taken from Alex Goh's bread book


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