Mocha Panettone

I've been meaning to bake this wonderful bread for so long but....oh the excuses stretches a mile long. 
Normally I would never procrastinate, I suppose it happens.  

Panettone is a tall sweet Italian bread  filled with candied fruits and orange peel, perfect for breakfast or tea. This bread is usually made with sour dough method but I find it too tedious.
I made this bread a couple of months back and R enjoyed it very much but not a hit with the boys, so  when  I came across this mocha panettone, hey why not.  The boys chomped it down.

I used my bread machine to knead the dough and left it to prove for an hour as usual but the dough couldn't rise to the occasion. So I gave it another 45min.

2  tbs instant coffee powder
140 ml milk
1 egg plus 2 egg yolks
400g bread flour
1 tbs cocoa powder
1 tsp cinnamon powder
 1/2 tsp salt
6 tbs sugar
6 tbs soft butter
11\2 tsp instant yeast
115g chocolate chunks
115g toasted pine nuts -  I used walnuts and chopped it roughly

melted butter for glazing

In your bread basin add A, give a quick mix and add B. Set the machine to dough setting and press start.  I let the dough knead for 15 min and let it to prove for 11\2 hours.

Meanwhile grease a 6" cake pan. Using a  parchment paper that is about 3 in wider that the depth of the pan. Line the pan so that the  excess paper  creates a collar.

Knock down the dough gently and knead it slightly flat. Add C and gently roll the dough to cover it up. Roll it to a ball and place it in the pan. Let it prove for another hour.
Pre heat oven to 200 deg cel.  Pour melted butter on top of the bread.
Bake for 30 min or until it is evenly brown on top.
Remove from the oven and let it cool down in the tin before removing it.
Serve warm.  
Taken from the bread machine cookbook



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