Kuih Seri Muka

Ever tried baking a very simple straight forward dish that makes you want to pull your hair out?

Apparently this kueh Seri Muka  has that effect on me.

Mind you, I've tried baking this 'oh so simple' kuih for umpteen times but each time, I fall flat on my face.

My problem lies with the top layer, it just won't harden up, even with an extended cooking time, which as the result  makes the glutinous rice slightly mushy.  And then, the egg-y smell issue!

There're countless recipes for Seri Muka online, each recipe is almost identical for the bottom layer (rice) but for the top layer the recipes are not helpful at all. 

I came upon one nice recipe that solved my problem...one without eggs. She uses custard powder instead, and as you know custard powder acts as a thickener as well, a rather cleaver idea!  
Thank you, Poh's Kitchen.

Bottom Layer
1 1/2 cups Glutinous Rice, soaked overnight  and drained
200ml Thin Coconut Milk
1  tsp Salt
2 Pandan leaves - tied into a knot

Steam glutinous rice with coconut milk, pandan leaf and salt for 30 minutes.  Discard leaf and press steamed rice onto a bottom of a 8" square/round pan. 
You may want to line to pan with cling wrap before pressing the steamed rice. 

Top Layer
 1 egg
180g Castor Sugar
100ml Pandan Water (Blend about 5 pandan leaves, strain)
200ml Coconut Milk
2 tbs  All-purpose Flour
3 tbsp Custard Flour
2 tbs Corn Flour
¼ tsp salt

Beat egg with sugar until sugar is dissolved. Add in pandan water, coconut milk and salt. Mix well.

Sift in flours and whisk till well combined. Strain the mixture. Do not skip this part.

Pour the mixture in the pan and cook in double boil method, stirring consistently until the mixture appears thick. Gently pour onto the  pressed glutinous rice and steam over medium heat for 30 minutes. 

See the bottom picture. This consistency is WRONG. This picture is from one of my many attempts. The consistency has to be much much thicker than this. 

Remove from steamer, cool completely. Gently run a knife all around the pan.  Cut into small pieces and gently lift the pieces to serve.
If you had lined your pan, then just lift it up and cut into pieces before serving.

This is one recipe that I'm not going to do again...any time soon.


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