Durian Cake

This is one cake that I wish I did not make. 
There is NO DOUBT that I love eating Durians.  Period. 
Right now...it's not  a favorite! The cake just failed to bring out the glorious durian taste that I was dying to taste in the cake.
I must admit though,  I did use the durian that was not superior in taste..this probably may have caused the taste in the cake. 
Perhaps one day I shall try it out again..probably with Musang King!!

120g Durian flesh
60ml Milk
40g all purpose flour

250g Butter
220g Sugar

5 Eggs

200g All purpose flour
50g Custard Powder
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 Sodium Bicarbonate

Preheat the oven to 170 deg cel and prepare a 8 in cake tin.
Place the durian flesh in a small blender and blend till  smooth, add A to the blender and blend till the mixture is smooth.
In a cake mixer, cream B until the butter is creamy and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time and mix well. 
Add the sifted ingredients from D and mix well to combine, taking care not to over beat. Now add the blended durian and mix gently until it is well combined.
Pour over the cake tin and bake for 50 min or until you insert a bamboo pick and it comes out clean.
Leave the cake to cool before serving.

from Alex Goh creative making of cakes


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