Glutinous rice with mango and coconut creme

You can easily get hooked with this Thai dessert, wanting for more despite saying no to seconds. 
Believe me I stood guilty on many occasion.

The glutinous rice is luxuriously steamed and cooked in coconut cream and served with ripe mangoes...what else can top this, yeah the inches in your hips!

My son Nic loves this dish and when he found out that we made and ate without him, he was mad.  Yep...doing it again for him. That's what mothers are for.

200g Glutinous r ice
1 cup coconut creme
1/2 cup sugar
pinch of salt
1 ripe mango cut into stripes

Soak rice overnight or about 4 hrs. Strain.
Steam rice in a steamer for 30 min. Remove to a plate.
In a pan over low heat, pour cream and add salt and sugar.
Pour over rice and mix well.
To serve, scoop a small portion and add some mangoes and drizzle some more creme over it.


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