Homemade Soy Bean Drink
My first instinct when I hear of someone making home-made soy bean milk is to roll my eyes in disbelieve when one can easily grab a carton in the mart. So there I was at the grocery store holding a bag of soy bean and contemplating if I should.
Yes I did. So here goes.
250g soy bean
Sugar to taste
pinch of salt
Drain the soybeans and remove the outer skins. (Yes, this is a bit of a tedious work)
Blend one cup soaked soybeans with 3-4 cups of water (750 milliliters) until well blended and almost smooth.
At this point there are two ways:
One. Strain the blended mixture using a cheesecloth, a napkin or a fine strainer.

Pour the mixture in a saucepan. Place the saucepan on the stove over high heat and bring to a boil. Stir and skim foam.
Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes.
Let cool the soy milk.
Two. Pour the finely blended bean into a saucepan and bring it to boil, over a medium heat for about 20 min. Cool it down a bit before straining it. I was told that this method produces a richer and thicker milk. I did the former, perhaps on my next try I would try this method.
Store the soy milk in a sealed container in the fridge for four or five days.
Add sugar to taste individually or add it to the pot.